Bro. Andy's Blog

Andy Doonan - Student Pastor

This blog is the same article found in our monthly newsletter.  

june 2024

If I were to describe the month of June in one-word it would be transition.  Transition often means change. When some of you hear the word change it makes your skin crawl and you shudder.  But change is not always bad.  Even in our own walk with Christ, we are called to change.  God does not call us to come to Him as perfect individuals.  He calls us to come as we are, broken, and He will make us new. 

Often times growth begins when change begins.  Change can be an exciting time!  It does not mean that the old way was a bad/wrong way, but change can make a way for good if we allow it to.  Growth will be dependent on our faithfulness to God during this stage and how we respond to this period of transition.  

As a church it is our role to encourage each other, walk alongside each other, and do life together pointing others to Christ. We all have a circle of influence, people around us that we can have a direct impact on.  This can come from various places.  Who are you influencing?  We must encourage one another through this process, keeping inviting others, and be active for the Lord.  This is not a time for us to sit back and passively serve the Lord . . . we need to rise up and be that "City on a Hill" as Jesus tells us.  

This transition time will leave some vacancies that will need to be filled.  In the same way that we need to be encouraging each other, we want to encourage our members to rise up and serve in these vacancies.  Your relationship with God was never designed to be something that you passively do on Sunday mornings.  It should be a lifestyle of servitude as Jesus, the Savior of the World, also did.  If you feel called to serve, please come to me as we will be more than happy to get you plugged in.  We will be needing Sunday School teachers, welcome team, Wednesday night help for our KidsLife group, and more.  Let this time be a time of reflection on ways that we can grow individually with the Lord in our own lives.  This includes serving in other's lives as well.  

When Summer hits, youth and children ministries ramp up.  From Vacation Bible School, pool parties, float trips, church camps, and more.  There is a great opportunity for our students to encounter Christ in a new or fresh way this summer!

Please continue to pray for the next generation of Christians within our church to experience Christ and to share Christ as we all should do.  

-Andy Doonan

March 2024

As many of you know, I have been completing seminary classes during my tenure here at Trinity Baptist Church.  It has dramatically increased my workload, but I have found it to be very beneficial.   My current class is Old Testament 1 (Genesis - Esther), I have been doing a lot of Old Testament reading in texts that I do not regularly read from.  What I have been reminded of through my reading is of God's faithfulness to the Israelites despite their constant rebellion.

It makes me think, why were they rebellious?  Well, there are many reasons.  First off, all the countries surrounding them had been following after pagan gods and doing what was only right in their own eyes.  Secondly, following God's will takes an extra effort and devotion that many were simply not willing to put in.  We see this today; we see this on a secular level where devotion in intimate relationships is lacking.  Unfortunately, the divorce rates are on the rise with kids being born out of covenant marriage relationship.  

Even within the church, we have almost made following the Lord as a spectator sport.  We ask God to do great things and simply sit back, do nothing, just hope that He answers.  When it does not happen, we get mad at God as if God has let us down.  At the same time, we refuse to be faithful to do the Lord's work.  Also, often times we make going to church as if it is something to check off of a proverbial "to do" list or even attend with no response at all.  

Devotion across all generations is lacking.  This is not a problem of a specific generation, but all generations.  The older generations need to be that example worth following for the younger generation.   The younger generations need to quit expecting the older generations to carry the complete responsibilities of the church.  God does not value either role differently, he wants us all.  He wants our devotion.  

Easter is just around the corner.  How are you going to be devoted to the Lord this year that will look different than the previous years?  Don't come to church alone.  Bring someone to church with you.  Think about, how can you commit to God this year?

On a different note, as many of you know, one of our greatest outreach events each year is our Easter Egg Hunt.  This will be on March 30, 2024, this year.  More information coming soon.  We need your help!  This is a great way to pour into families.  At the very least, if you cannot commit to helping on the day of the easter egg hunt, we would love your help with either providing candy or stuffing eggs in the weeks to come.  

-Andy Doonan

february 2024


When some of you read the word "change," your skin begins to crawl.  Change is uncomfortable for some, but for some . . . and dare I say many of us - it's needed.  One of my favorite things about the new year is the opportunity to reflect and change things that needed improvement from the previous year.  As Christians, we are called away from a life of stagnation, and called into a life of DEVOTION.  

Too often the word devotion means a book that we read right before we go to sleep or right when we wake up.  But devotion is so much deeper.  Devotion is how you speak to people, how you view things, who you care for, what you view, etc .  The Christian's life isn't a life that you live two days a week, it is a daily walk we must take with the Lord.  He should influence everything!  It is the questions about how much I am praying for the church, praying for the lost, praying for my involvement within sharing the Gospel, how well do I encourage others, am I connecting to the church and am I connecting others to the local church.

What do you want to be known for?  If you ask me, I want to be known for my devotion to the Lord, but I can't just say that.  I need to live it!  How do we want our church to be known?  I want to be a part of a church that gathers and prays, who cares for the lost, is discontent with empty pews.  There is room for our friends to hear the Gospel.  2023 is gone, it was a great year for the life of Trinity Baptist Church, but I know if we will be faithful to God, God has great plans.  Will you walk alongside what He is doing?

One way to begin is through prayer.  This month, our youth have an opportunity to go to Reality Weekend.  We pray for life change.  The next generation needs us.  Even within this church we have a large percentage. of lost students who attend regularly.  I do not know about you, but that excites me.  BUT our job is to not leave them there but lead them into a relationship with Christ.  Reality Weekend is a great opportunity for this.  


I am not sure about you, but it seemed like 2023 just flew by!  We had a great year with our children and student departments which was full of camps, events, and our weekly meetings.  The year was definitely a success!  We have seen numeric growth as well as, more importantly, spiritual growth.  God has blessed the ministry and has used people like you in it.

We will be having great ministry opportunities in 2024 that you can be a part of in many ways. Reality Weekend is coming soom for our student ministry which we will need help with.  The help we need includes prayer, food, lodging, and scholarships.   

We have also been gaining much traction within our young adult's group.  We will continue building upon that momentum with our monthly gatherings and special events. 

Please continue to pray for our Next-Generation Ministries within our church as they are not only the future church but the current church, THE church!

-Andy Doonan