
Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church

Trinity Baptist Church of Benton Arkansas is prayerfully seeking the man selected by God to Shepherd the church and lead us in the vision and work the LORD has planned for us. This man, the Pastor is responsible for leading TBC in functioning as a New Testament Church and providing spiritual and administrative leadership to the members, 

staff and ministries of the church. 

This includes the discipleship and development of strong leaders & ministries that are: focused on evangelism, equipping of the believers, while supporting a positive & productive biblical culture which has positive biblical impact on our local community, our state and the world.

This description reflects our comprehensive outline of the pastoral ministry with the goal to integrate biblical fidelity, theological depth, and practical application, inspired by the collective wisdom of search committee and the congregation


1. Preaching and Teaching

  • Deliver biblically sound, culturally relevant, theologically rich sermons that faithfully expound Scripture (2 Timothy 4:2). Provide real-life application to make the Bible accessible and impactful (Nehemiah 8:8). While teaching that aligns Christian doctrines and helps the congregation grow in their understanding of God’s Word. 
  • Preach & Teach with a missional focus, emphasizing the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Encouraging the church to engage in local evangelism, missions both locally and globally. 

2. Spiritual Leadership & Shepherding

  • Provide spiritual oversight, nurturing the faith of the congregation through building of leaders, personal discipleship, counseling, and pastoral care (Titus 1:9, 1 Peter 5:1-3).  
  • Lead by example in living a life of radical obedience to Christ. Fostering a culture of discipleship where every member is equipped to disciple others (2 Timothy 2:2)  
  • Shepherd the flock with compassion and humility, being accessible to the members and sensitive to their spiritual and personal needs (Acts 20:28).  
  • Honest, Factual and Respectful – no exceptions. (1 Corinthians 10:31-33). Maintain a Professional, Positive and Respectful environment, every interaction and person will be handled with dignity and respect. (Romans 12:18, Hebrews 12:14, Philippians 2:2-3)  
  • Performance and Behavior of Ministry leaders, and or members In situations where you have concerns related to a staff member, ministry leaders, and or members behavior and or performance, you are responsible to intervene. (Proverbs 27:17, Matthew 16:16-19, 18:15-20, Luke 17:3, 1 Timothy 1:3-6, 2 Timothy 1:13-14, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15, 2 Timothy 4:2, Titus 2:15, 3:10, Galatians 6:1-2, 2:11-14, Philippians 2:1-16, James 5:19-20) 

3. Vision and Strategic Leadership

  • Cultivate, Develop, and communicate a clear, biblical vision for the church’s direction that prioritizes evangelism, missions and justice, inspiring the church to impact the world for Christ (Micah 6:8). 
  • Lead the congregation in understanding and pursuing God’s mission (Proverbs 29:18). 
  • Strategize for both spiritual depth / growth and influence on the local community, whereby ministry fosters community and outreach (Ephesians 4:11-13). 

4. Administrative and Organizational Leadership

  • Oversee the administration of church operations, ensuring they are conducted with integrity and transparency (1 Corinthians 14:40). 
  • Develop leadership within the church, empowering others to take on roles and responsibilities that advance the church’s mission (Ephesians 4:12). 
  • Manage church resources wisely, including finances, facilities, and staff, to support the ministry's goals and vision (1 Timothy 3:4-5). 
  • Listen to the members, investigate their concerns (Go & See) and if validated seek to remedy. (Acts 20:28) Trinity Baptist Church of Benton Pastor Job Description 5. Community Engagement and Outreach
  • Engage with the local community, representing the church and the gospel with a spirit of love and service (Jeremiah 29:7). 
  • Lead the church in compassionate outreach to the poor, marginalized, and unreached, reflecting Christ’s love in tangible ways (James 1:27). 
  • Foster relationships with community leaders and organizations to partner in initiatives that serve the community and share the gospel (Matthew 5:14-16). 


1. Spiritual and Moral Integrity

  • Must meet the biblical qualifications outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, demonstrating a life of holiness, integrity, and godly character. 
  • Exhibit a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ, evidenced by a lifestyle of prayer, Bible study, and obedience to God’s Word. 
  • Must be a man of prayer and integrity, showing consistency in personal and public life, and capable of withstanding the pressures of ministry.

2. Theological Education and Experience

  • Proven track record of leadership with the ability to connect with diverse groups and lead them toward spiritual growth. 
  • Preferably experience in pastoral ministry with a history of effective preaching, teaching, and disciple-making. 
  • A strong grasp of systematic theology and biblical exegesis, with deep familiarity for the bible, core principles, and doctrines. 

3. Skills and Abilities

  • Ability to inspire and mobilize the church. 
  • Creative and strategic thinker, problem solver, capable of developing innovative approaches to ministry and growth. Taking the initiative to make things better. 
  • Wise with the ability to discern or spot a problem before it becomes a catastrophe. 
  • Excellent communicator in personal interactions, and preferably in preaching and teaching. 
  • Capable of conveying complex biblical and theological truths in an understandable way. 
  • Preferably strong organizational skills, with a watchful eye looking for opportunities to teach and to provide additional support.


Interested candidates should submit the following: 

  • A detailed resume outlining education, ministry experience, and personal testimony. 
  • A statement of faith and philosophy of ministry. 
  • References from previous ministry contexts, including at least one pastoral reference. 
  • Examples of previous sermons or teaching sessions (audio or video). 

Details for Applicant consideration. 

The applicant for this salaried position is expected to meet these following essentials: 

1.  Meets the qualifications of a church Pastor in accordance with 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9. 

  • He is to be either the husband of one living wife or single but has not been divorced. 
  • If married, his wife also must not have been divorced. 
  • He (and his family) is expected to support and participate in the activities of the church. 

  1. He shall coordinate the worship services. The sermon, music and media should reinforce the overall focus of the service while lifting up Jesus. 
  2. In addition to being an expository preacher and teacher, he will work with the leadership and membership to fulfill the mission of the church. 
  3. He will nurture the church membership by discerning God's leading, by resolving theological issues and shall be vigilant in protecting the flock from false teachings or doctrines. Our church believes the Word of God is inerrant and infallible and is our standard for truth. 
  4. He will while loving and getting to know all the members of the church, he will also visit the members, the hospitalized, those grieving, the homebound members and visitors. 
  5. He will abide by our church constitution and bylaws. 
  6. He will avoid expending funds not previously authorized. 
  7. be a non-Calvinist: 
  8. Affirms & believes in and will support the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. 
  9. Has a minimum of five years’ experience as a Pastor or equivalent ministry. Preferably a graduate of bible college and or seminary. 
  10. He who is selected shall be expected to keep normal office hours in the church office when not visiting members, visitors or the lost. 
  11. He who is selected shall be expected to serve in cooperation with the Elders, Deacons, committees, and members of the church, without compromise to sound biblical principles and or doctrine. 

Learn more about our church by going to https://trinitybenton.com/ and also visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TrinityBaptistBentonAR. To submit a resume or request additional information, please send an email to: trinitybentonresume@Gmail.com (preferred) or mail to: 

Pastor Search Committee

702 Church St, 

Benton, AR, United States, 72015