We are an Inter-Generational Faith Family seeking to impact our world in power of the Holy Spirit with the good news of Jesus Christ and His great love.  

We exist to be a local expression of the larger Body of Christ.  Striving to represent and expand the Kingdom of God in our community, city, state, nation, and around the world.  

Acts 1:8 - "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judia and Samaria, and the end of the earth."

  • Our goal . . .

    To Glorify God . . .

  • Our Strategy . . . 

    "Love" . . .      as we express our commitment to Loving God & Loving People in all we do (1 Corinthians 16:14).

    • by "Personally Responding" to the Love of God  (John 3:16)
    • by "Individually Submitting" to the love of God  (Mark 12:30)
    • by "Unitedly Expressing" the love of God to and in our world  (1 Corinthians 13)
  • Our Service Times


    • 9:45 AM - Small Groups (Sunday School) All Ages
    • 11:00 AM - Morning Worship Service (Children's Church provided)
    • 6:00 PM - Evening Worship Service
    • 6:00 PM - Wednesday Evening Fellowship Meal
    • 6:30 PM - KidzLife (Kindergarten -5th grade)
    • 6:30 PM - Crossroads Student Ministry (6th - 12th grades)
    • 6:30 PM - Adult Bible Study


Instagram - @tbcbenton

FaceBook - @TrinityBaptistBentonAR

YouTube - @trinitybaptistchurchbenton478

The Sounding Joy

Dramatic Christmas Musical

Click on the picture to the right to vew our Christmas musical on our youtube channel

Church Partners

Our partnerships with different churches and organizations are united together under one vision: to bring glory to God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. We are invested, involved and connected in these relationships for the long run, learning from one another and ministering to one another. We initiate all partnerships and maintain them by a mutual agreement. Outside our partnerships, we have support relationships that allow us to resource and assist churches and organizations. These relationships are not necessarily relationally driven, formalized or holistic. They simply give us the privilege of blessing others. 

Watch past services on our Youtube roundedyoutubechannel

We livestream our Sunday Morning Services on Facebook Live & YouTube Live each Sunday Morning @ 11:00 AM.   If you miss the livestream broadcast or you just want to view some past services, visit our YouTube Channel and view any and all past services.  

Dollar Sign

Give Online

We are men, women, children, but most of all we are family.


Get involved

Join us this Sunday for Small Groups @ 9:45 AM & Morning Worship Service @ 11:00 AM & Evening Worship Service @ 6:00 PM.

Praying Hands

Prayer Request

Submit your prayer request here.  Cast all your Cares upon Him, for He cares for you

(1 Peter 5:7).

We broadcast our 11:00 AM service on YouTube Live & Facebook Live.  We post our evening service as a Wednesday Bible Study.



Sundays @ 9:45 AM

Small groups, traditionally called Sunday School at Trinity, are made up of people just like you. Group members provide weekly support, study the Bible, and pray for one another.  



sundays @ 11:00 AM

Worship is not a song that we sing, or a word that we speak.  Worship is complete surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2).  We strive to have a service that is led by the Holy Spirit of God and sing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:18-20) making music to the Lord first in our hearts and secondly corporately.  Our Church believes in the authority of the Word of God (Bible).  Proclamation from God's Word is weekly given as is an opportunity to respond in obedience to God's Word, will, and way.  

oUR Ministries

You're not alone here at Trinity! Dive into a community focused on loving God and loving people.

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Prayer does not enable us to do a greater work for God. 
Prayer is a greater work for God.

Thomas Chalmers

Trinity Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Give to trinity baptist church

Giving is a part of our worship to God. It has been said that you can tell nearly everything about a person by the way they spend their money. Whether you are tithing in obedience to Malachi 3:10 or contributing over and above your tithe as an act of sacrificial generosity, your money will help us minister God’s hope and healing to our community and beyond. We give in order to be blessed, not for fear of anything negative in our lives. We give out of gratitude and love! You can give your gift safely and securely online - this is one of the easiest ways to give to our church. Thank you.